A downloadable game

You are the proud owner of a Wandering Library. Whether you bought, built or inherited it, it is your home. Travelling as far and as wide as you desire, your days are spent encountering an assortment of customers, exploring new locations, and tending to your beloved home of books.

This is a solo journaling RPG, a game designed to generate prompts for you to answer in as much or as little detail as you would like. All you need is two six-sided dice and your preferred method of journaling. Using the tables provided, you will explore locations and meet different people, recording your adventures and encounters as you travel in your Wandering Library.

This game was made for the One-Page RPG Jam 2023 but may be expanded upon at a future date.

Any and all feedback is highly appreciated and welcome.

If you enjoyed this game, why not check out AP.'s new game, The Wandering Tea Garden?

Art and game designed by AP. Font used: Folklore, by Aesoterik.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(17 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsCasual, Fantasy, journaling, Singleplayer, Solo RPG
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


One-Page Wandering Library.pdf 3.6 MB
One-Page Wandering Library (Black and White).pdf 1.3 MB


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i'm fairly new to solo rpgs and i've only just started this one but i am absolutely loving it! thank you so much :)

Aw you're very welcome and thank you!

(1 edit)
I really want to try soon, it looks like a lot of fun. Love the concept! Easy, beautiful and evocative

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it when you do play it, and would love to hear what sort of Library you make!

Does this game support Wigfish education & conservation...

It does now with the Wigfish Hovercraft Book lending service.

Help a Wigfish today :)

Love it! We must educate the masses about the wonders of the Wigfish and how to protect them.


Very nice little game. For some reason I immediately went for a Ghibli-like world. Thanks for the fun!


Thank you! That sounds wonderful. Howl's Moving Castle was definitely a source of inspiration for this. So glad you're having fun with it!